Henry Boy Trailing

Real Trading

Henry Boy Trailing usd

Henry Boy Trailing program after deduction of all costs in USD

Henry Boy Trailing
Henry Boy Trailing goes for home runs with a trailing stop. The losses are kept small with a protective stop that follows the trend of the market.

With a bat average of 50%, Henry Boy Trailing has shown a gain historically, since the winning trades are larger than the losses.

After 434 trades $1000 grew to $24 406 (after deduction of trading costs) showing a 2341% gain.

Henry Boy 
Henry Boy is a model focusing on very short term trends, from hours to a few days, mainly in the currency and commodity markets. There are two strategies with the same entry base but different exit: Trailing and Target. The seemingly small difference in exit makes each model unique, with big differences in the end result.

The Henry Boy strategies are systematic, with a set of rules for entry as well as exit, however, it is up to the fund manager to select the markets and the most interesting setups.

Minimum account size in Henry Boy Trailing is $2600.


Historical data Henry Boy Trailing